Therefore, the fog attenuation can be regarded as a multiplicative interference channel of Gauss distribution. 因此,可以把雾衰减看成一个具有高斯分布的乘性干扰信道。
The design of AMR system is related with the channel characteristics of power distribution networks. 配电网电力线载波自动抄表系统的设计与配电网信道的特性密切相关。
Our leading brands in jeanswear, intimate apparel, outdoor and specialty apparel span virtually every channel of distribution. 我们旗下的品牌涵盖牛仔、休闲、户外及专业类服装,事实上已经跨越了每一个领域。
As an important channel of China's tourism distribution, the impact of internet is still limited currently and has been restricted by many internal and external factors. 由于各种不同制约因素的存在,传统的旅游分销渠道目前在中国旅游分销体系中依然占据着主导地位。
The Relational Exchange, the Governance Mechanism and the Achievements in Transaction: a Comparative Case Study Based on the Channel of Vegetable Distribution 关系交换、治理机制与交易绩效:基于蔬菜流通渠道的比较案例研究
There has been much study on the successful Jin Merchants, but few people pay attention to the channel of distribution of commodities of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty. 对于辉煌一时的晋商,学术界研究成果颇多,但是对于清代山西商品流通的运道,却很少有人涉及。
The new resources are not identical with the channel of distribution before. It modifies the frame of the channel, the relations of the channel, and the management of the channel and so on. 这种新的渠道资源不同于以往任何一种渠道,它改写着企业的渠道结构、渠道关系、渠道管理等方面。
In this part, the paper describes the superiorities of the electronic channel of distribution, potentialities of development, types of development and it does not substitute for the traditional channel of distribution completely with some foreign factors of restriction. 在这部分阐明了依托于互联网技术的电子分销渠道所具有的优势、发展潜力、类型以及由于外部因素的制约,电子分销渠道还不足以完全取代传统渠道等几方面的内容。
Part this explain the west about theory, structure theory and theory of behavior, member of distribution channel, of distribution channel that distribute mainly, for after the gentle one analysis offer theory not to prepare and not supporting. 该部分主要阐述了西方关于分销的理论、分销渠道的结构理论以及分销渠道成员行为的理论,为后文的分析提供理论准备和支持。
In order to improve the working capital management, we should focus on the distribution channel control, change the models of distribution channel management and implement effective relationship management of the distribution channels. 欲提高跨区分销企业营运资金管理水平,必须将营运资金管理重心转移到分销渠道控制上来,创新分销渠道管理模式,实施有效的分销渠道关系管理。
Finally, the distributions of flow velocity and salinity in the same channel are discussed. The characteristics of salinity distribution are varied with the condition of flow. 在此基础上,分析探讨了北槽流速、含盐度的分布特征.含盐度分布特征也因水流条件的不同而不同。
The internet is not only a kind of new technology and medium, but also the new resources of the channel of distribution. 互联网不仅是一种新技术、新媒介,而且可以做为一种新的渠道资源。
In 2004, the company decided to expand the new channel of distribution while continuing to explore the potentials of sales in the northern region. Online sales come into sight with its distinguished advantages of low cost and brand-effect. 2004年公司决定在继续深度开发现有地区潜力的同时大力拓展新的销售渠道,网上销售以其成本低,品牌效应突出等特点进入了公司决策层的视野。
This paper researches the channel of distribution based on the internet environment. 本文正是基于这种互联网环境,对分销渠道进行了相关研究。
The channel of distribution changes with the alteration of foreign circumstances, especially in the era of internet. 分销渠道随着外部环境的变化而不断地发生变化,尤其是在互联网时代。
To establish alliance channel relations and MIS of distribution channel; 建立联盟型渠道关系;
In order to get away from the predicament and develop better, the problems caused by the unity channel of distribution must be analyzed and resolved. 公司要摆脱目前的困境并有所发展就必须想办法解决目前分销渠道单一的问题。
The channel of distribution is a bridge that links manufacturers with customers. 分销渠道是连接制造商与消费者之间的桥梁。
The Characteristics and Application to Information Channel of Power Distribution Net 配电网信息通道的特点及应用
The results also show that the electric field change wave of the Non-standard dart-leader namely even change wave depend on the branches structure of the lightning channel namely non-uniformity of the charge distribution close by the lightning channel. 结果又指出:非经典式直窜先导电场变化波形,即平缓变化波形与闪电通道的分岔结构有关,即与通道附近云中电荷分布不均匀性有关。
In practice, marketing channel managers spend more than 20 percent of their time on resolving the vertical channel conflict. Communication can be described as the glue that holds together a channel of distribution. 企业管理实践中,营销渠道的管理者大约有20%以上的时间是用于解决渠道内的纵向冲突问题。
Chain pharmacy is an important channel of medicine distribution. Under the double pressure of medical and sanitation system innovation in China and severe competition in medicine market, the initiative and creativity of chain pharmacies become the critical factors for the survival and development of enterprises. 连锁药店是提供药品分销服务的一条重要渠道,在我国医药卫生体制改革和市场竞争的双重压力下,连锁药店在服务营销方面的创新能力成为企业生存发展的关键所在。
At the same time, theoretically and practically analyzed the control, management and maintenance of the channels of distribution, and the relationship between the strategy of channel of distribution, brand, and CI, as well as advertisement and promotion. 同时,对营销渠道的控制、管理与维护进行了理论结合实际的分析和研究,并就营销渠道战略与企业品牌战略、CI战略及广告与促销之间的关系进行了探讨。
This paper analysis the member and structure of Schneider distribution network and each channel of distribution network. 文章详细分析了施耐德分销网络的成员与结构,以及分销网络中的每一条分销渠道。
Given distribution makes of the core of enterprise operation, distribution channel constitutes the most important part of distribution strategy, being the bridge between enterprise and market, the liaison between product and customer. 分销是企业生产经营的关键,而分销渠道又是分销策略中最重要的一部分,是连接企业与市场的桥梁、沟通产品与顾客的纽带。
The company has access to plenty of resources in the areas of advertisement, telecommunications and channel of distribution, and offers value-added services to game players through the operation of its self-developed game platform. 公司拥有丰富的广告宣传资源、电信运营资源、渠道推广资源,通过公司自主研发的游戏平台进行运营管理及为玩家提供增值服务。
Cooling water flow rate along the flow channel direction of the temperature distribution in film center is relatively small. 冷却水流速对沿流道方向膜中心温度分布的影响比较小。
It has become a new channel of distribution and is an important means of improving the core-competitiveness of the enterprises and businesses. 电子商务已经成为一种新的销售渠道,它是提高企业和商家核心竞争力的重要途径。
Research within the behavioral perspective is from the channel, constructed of agricultural products distribution channels in channel power, channel conflict and the relationship between farmers 'willingness to cooperate model; Secondly, the study of innovation. 研究视角是从渠道内部行为切入,构建了农产品流通渠道中渠道权力、渠道冲突与农民合作意愿之间的关系模型;第二,研究对象的创新。
However, most low cost manufacturing enterprises in China mainly focus on the manufacturing itself and have no channel of distribution in international trade, so that they have razor-thin profits. 然而由于很多中国低端制造企业只专注于制造生产单一环节,没有自己的国际销售渠道,或者渠道很不完善,其利润非常微薄。